Oh I beg to differ, I think we have a lot to discuss. After all, you are a client. Pretend. You pretend the feelings are there, for the world, for the people around you. Who knows? Maybe one day they will be. I’m real proud of you for coming, bro. I know you hate funerals.… Continue reading When will a theorem access
Filter: Illustrations
The fiction of the abyss
Oh I beg to differ, I think we have a lot to discuss. After all, you are a client. Pretend. You pretend the feelings are there, for the world, for the people around you. Who knows? Maybe one day they will be. I’m real proud of you for coming, bro. I know you hate funerals.… Continue reading The fiction of the abyss
Everything and more says hello
Partially, but it also obeys your commands. Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. But with the blast shield down, I can’t even see! How am I supposed to fight? The plans you refer to will soon be back in our hands. Ye-ha! I find your lack of faith disturbing. What good is… Continue reading Everything and more says hello
The emergence of empirical literalism
He taught me a code. To survive. I am not a killer. I think he’s got a crush on you, Dex! I’m real proud of you for coming, bro. I know you hate funerals. Only you could make those words cute. I’m going to tell you something that I’ve never told anyone before. I am… Continue reading The emergence of empirical literalism
The fantasy of desire focuses
I have a dark side, too. I’m really more an apartment person. I’m generally confused most of the time. I feel like a jigsaw puzzle missing a piece. And I’m not even sure what the picture should be. This man is a knight in shining armor. He taught me a code. To survive. Pretend. You… Continue reading The fantasy of desire focuses
Remark concerning the relationship
Oh I beg to differ, I think we have a lot to discuss. After all, you are a client. Pretend. You pretend the feelings are there, for the world, for the people around you. Who knows? Maybe one day they will be. I’m real proud of you for coming, bro. I know you hate funerals.… Continue reading Remark concerning the relationship
The writing of exoticism reflects
Rorschach would say you have a hard time relating to others. You look…perfect. I’m not the monster he wants me to be. So I’m neither man nor beast. I’m something new entirely. With my own set of rules. I’m Dexter. Boo.